Where to install your solar panel system

We discover which location works best for your home. When it comes to solar panels, people often think of rooftops. What most people don’t realize is there are actually multiple locations for installing solar panel systems. Location, building type and space are the main factors in determining which location works best for you. Whether it’s …

Champion Brands

We installed Florida’s largest rooftop solar array, right here in Jacksonville! After the installation of 340 solar panels on the Champion Brands roof in May 2017, we were a perfect fit for performing this installation, REC Solar made a smart choice in selecting A1A Solar as the installer for this project. —  Pete Wilking, founder …

What happens to solar panels in a hurricane?

A1A Solar provides insight on weather and solar panels For Floridians, hurricane season is an inevitable part of each year that causes worry and panic. It’s important to make sure that your home is ready for a hurricane and that it can withstand the high-speed winds. If you have solar panels on your home and …