Do Solar Panels Actually Work?

Residential house with rooftop covered with solar photovoltaic panels for producing of clean ecological electrical energy in suburban rural area. Concept of autonomous home.

If you haven’t enjoyed an up-close look at the solar panel technology powering today’s homes and businesses, you probably have questions about how effective this technology can actually be—especially when relied on as a primary source of energy for a building.

As a relatively new form of green energy—and one just starting to become a mainstream power source—solar panel technology is experiencing rapid growth not only in its popularity, but also in its performance capabilities. Even compared to just a few years ago, today’s solar panels can offer efficiencies and capabilities that may surprise you, and might even tempt you to consider investing in this technology for your own home or business.

It’s time to separate fact from fiction and serve you up some clear answers on the merits of today’s solar panels. Read on to learn more about this promising green energy, including its current capabilities and its potential long-term value to your home or business.

Why Use Sunpower and Solar Panels to Generate Electricity?

One of the first questions to be answered about solar panel technology is the reason for investing in this technology: what problems is this new source of energy seeking to address?

Early iterations of solar panel technology left a lot to be desired with its ability to generate consumable electricity for homes and businesses. Some of the first solar panels were only able to capture and convert about one percent of available sunlight into consumable electricity—a low figure that was far worse, in terms of efficiency and cost, than the performance numbers offered from traditional energy sources, including fossil fuels.

Despite these early shortcomings, solar has long been coveted as a renewable source of green energy that could be used to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Investments into solar power research were made with the hope that advances in solar technology could lead to solar panels that met our collective energy needs while also offering a sustainable, pollution-free alternative to traditional fuel sources.

The High Efficiency of the World’s Best Solar Panels

Since the first solar panels were first produced, the technology within this hardware has come a long way. The leading solar panels on the market today are able to capture and convert about 22 percent of all available electricity. 

As a result, the value of solar panels—and the calculations involved to determine the value of solar panel installation—have shifted dramatically. Between the long-term energy savings and the tax credits available to incentivize solar panel installation, many homes and businesses are now able to completely recoup the cost of their solar panels within six to 10 years of installation. The more efficient your solar panels are, the faster you can break even on your investment and start turning a profit.

Can You Install a Solar Panel Roof Anywhere?

While there are some limitations to where solar panels can be installed—such as any space without a clear view of the southern sky—homeowners and business owners have a lot of flexibility over where and how solar panels are installed.

While it’s common for solar panels to be installed on a building’s roof, these panels can also be installed on the ground, over parking lots and walkways or on secondary buildings such as a shed or detached garage. 

It’s also possible that a professional installer will be able to come up with creative solutions to work around your space and/or property limitations to create an installation spot that offers accessibility to sunlight that will help you get the best value out of your new solar panels.

Why You Should Always Work With Trusted Solar Panel Companies

If solar energy’s strong performance numbers have you considering an investment into this technology, the first place to start is with a professional solar panel installer that can help you find exactly the solar power solutions you need—along with the utmost confidence that your investment will pay off over time.

When you work with a professional installer, you’ll have a trusted partner to help you with the following:

  • Identifying the best solar panel models to suit your budget and needs. Different solar panel technologies all have different benefits, especially when it comes to balancing performance and price. A professional installer can help you evaluate these options and choose the best fit for your property.
  • Making sure panels are properly installed onto your property. Improper installation can affect your energy efficiency, and it could even lead to solar panel or roof damage in the event of severe weather. If panels are under warranty, a DIY installation could void your warranty.
  • Having a point-of-contact in place in the event of power issues. If you run into trouble with your solar panels, you want the help of an expert to help you solve those problems. Choose a professional installer that will make sure you’re satisfied with your solar panels for years to come.

Solar panels don’t just work—they offer the best value you can get out of any energy source found in the world today. Adopt this high-performing technology for your home or business today—contact a professional installer for a free assessment and quote.