Solar 101

Hurricane Fast Facts

Hurricane Season Hurricane season begins on June 1st and ends on November 30th. Summer’s hotter climate leads to warmer water which in turn forms hurricanes. Hurricane season , after cooler weather has started to roll in.    How Hurricanes Form Hurricanes develop during interactions between warm air and warm water and can become the most violent …

Are You Prepared?

When the Grid Goes Down… Are You Prepared? The world these days is a scary place. Global pandemic, potential nuclear conflicts with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, wildfires in California and Australia, and talk of civil unrest in the wake of upcoming elections are in the news every day. On top of that, here …

Solar panels vs. solar water heaters

What is the difference between solar panels and solar water heaters? While most people know what solar panels look like, they might not know their exact purpose. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. This process happens when panels absorb photons, which creates an electric current. When photons hit the crystalline photovoltaic …

Commercial Solar System

Getting a commercial solar system set up in Northeast Florida 6 steps to ensure your company’s solar system installation is a success Your company is ready to go solar. That’s great! However, you might feel overwhelmed by what to do to get started. Read on to learn how to get a solar energy system installed …